Some Igbo group in the past accused Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) and his group of being behind most kidnappings and assassinations in the south east of the the country (Nigeria) which left the region with uncertainty. Recently our (Viewers Corner News) correspondent in Abuja (Nigeria) who went on working tour in the south east gathered that in that part of the country, there is calmness now. The usual agitation to have Biafra is not as it used to be when Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB was around which is good. This again would show those who are following Nnamdi Kanu that they should seek peace and the unity of one Nigeria. Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB who said in the past that he will fight till the end left his followers to an unknown destination when the real fight has not begun. This only tells those that are following him that he is not a trustworthy leader because if he is, sincerely he should not have left his people and went into hiding. Again during the period of agitation, lots of innocent people lost their lives just like that which is bad. However everyone should join hands and work for the unity of one Nigeria like we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) have been preaching.
Source: Viewers Corner News.