We (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to the federal government of Nigeria to go back to the drawing table and start afresh to figure out how to end the problem of power supply in Nigeria. Though lots of money is involved in this project but looking into some areas where the federal government of Nigeria is mapping out billions of Naira to be spent, in our (Viewers Corner News team) opinion, it is not appropriate. For instance, it was alleged that about 37 billion Naira has already been approved to renovate the national assembly building which on the other hand is not too bad if the building expert says so but our (Viewers Corner News team) take on this is that, there are so many areas in the country (Nigeria) that need urgent attention, where such huge sum of money can be used. The renovation of national assembly can wait for now until these areas are taken care of. Again, if the welfare of the people of Nigeria means something to the federal government of Nigeria, then they should first bring the worries of the people of the country (Nigeria) to a successful end by giving them light, good roads, good hospitals and so on because these are what they voted for but using about 37 billion Naira at this critical time in Nigeria to renovate just a building that is not going to fall tomorrow based on our (Viewers Corner News team) findings is laughable. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on the federal government of Nigeria to have a rethink over this issue and see how the problem of power supply to the people of Nigeria can be solved because Nigerians deserve to have the best at all times.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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