Democracy in its short form is the government of the people. But look at the ways leaders of Africa who claimed to be practising such a system have taken it upon themselves to abuse such a beautiful system which should have been the best because it allows everyone to choose who shall represent them at all levels of government. In our opinion, democracy is a beautiful system, but only when it is practised nicely. Today, on the continent of Africa, all the leaders in various countries see this beautiful system as a way to get rich quickly, thereby undermining the principles and benefits of democracy. Look at the military leader of Burkina-Faso and others running the military system of government in various countries in Africa, in a space of a few years, they were able to achieve greatness and at the same time pull their people out of hunger and poverty which is so nice. But other African leaders who are practising democracy, who have been in power for so many years have destroyed the economy of their countries. They stole the resources of their countries and took them abroad for their selfish purpose which is so sad. Our point is, that countries on the continent of Africa should adopt any system of government that would bring economic prosperity, and end insecurity, hunger and poverty across the continent of Africa. We would also use this opportunity to call on leaders in all countries on the continent of Africa to open their borders for Africans, and allow free movement of goods and services so that they can be able to trade more with each other. Doing so would unite Africans and bring more economic benefits to all countries in Africa.
Source: Viewers Corner News