A governor in the northern part of Nigeria made a beautiful statement sometime ago when he was speaking on issues of leadership in Nigeria. He said that most people who go for beauty contests may not be the most beautiful ladies in the country but they are those who came out to contest for such position that were considered. This statement can be analysed in different ways to mean so many things. Nigeria as a country has lots of great people who would want the country to be like the advance world but they are not coming out to speak their minds or vie for position of authority, that is why these elderly politicians in Nigeria who have been in power since Nigeria got her independence are still the ones leading the country till today. These elderly Nigerian politicians have run short of ideas on the way forward to make Nigeria great. If you look at the youths of Nigeria, they have lots of ideas that can change the country based on our (Viewers Corner News team) findings but only if they have the courage to come forward to vie for positions of authority. Based on this, Viewers Corner News team is calling on youths of Nigeria to show interest on leadership of Nigeria so that people would start knowing them and perhaps the media would bring them forward to the people of the country (Nigeria). If the youths of Nigeria do not start now to show interest, by the time they realise that these elderly politicians in Nigeria who have been holding on to power have gained more ground with the money they looted from the treasury of Nigeria which would be used as a weapon to buy the conscience of some youths and others to their side, it will be too late. Therefore, now is the time to get started. This would be a challenge to all the youths of Nigeria who believe that the future and progress of the country are in their hands to come out and show their skills to the people of Nigeria.
Source: Viewers Corner News.