Viewers Corner News correspondent in Abuja, Nigeria, revealed that another fresh loan totaling 2.2 billion dollars has been approved for the government of Nigeria by the World Bank. Although, it is not too bad to take out loans to implement viable projects that would better the lives of the people of any country. But in Nigeria, the story is different. The leaders of Nigeria are not putting the borrowed money to good use, as the World Bank knows, but they have continued to give such unfavourable loans to the government of Nigeria, which is so sad. So we are appealing to the World Bank to stop these loans they are giving to Nigeria each time a loan request is made. This is not in the best interest of the people of Nigeria and should end. Again, this newly approved 2.2 billion dollar loan is certainly going to be used recklessly, and in a few months, the government will go back to borrowing another loan, which is not a healthy thing to do for any progressive nation. Leaders in Nigeria should learn to use what they have to achieve greatness. This is the only way Nigeria, as a country, can grow and move out of poverty and debt.
Source: Viewers Corner News