This is exactly one of the Alhaji Bola Tinubu’s 2023 presidential election campaign promises to Nigerians.”Whichever way, by all means necessary, you must have electricity and you will not pay for the electricity bill anymore, a promise made will be a promise kept, if I don’t keep the promises and I come back for a second term, don’t vote for me.” So we are asking Nigerians, has President Bola Tinubu fulfilled any of these campaign promises? Though he still has a few years left for him to complete his first tenure in office, we are hoping that he fulfills the promises he made to Nigerians. Again, we are bringing the 2023 statement of President Bola Tinubu’s election campaign promises to Nigerians as a reminder, knowing fully well that most Nigerian politicians and their political parties have started making plans on how to get the attention of the Nigerian voters. We are therefore appealing to the people of Nigeria to take every election campaign promise made to them by candidates of every political party seriously. If any candidate cannot fulfill his or her promises made to the people of Nigeria, then such a candidate should not be given another chance. However, the decision on who to cast your vote for in the 2027 general election is all yours. If you vote wisely, you will enjoy the benefits of democracy. But if you collect money and vote for the wrong candidate, then the economic hardship will remain in the country. So the choice is yours to make. Be wise.
Source: Viewers Corner News