Our (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) prayers to some individuals who called themselves men of God is that the Almighty God should have mercy on them because they are using God’s name negatively to deceive their congregation most especially some African pastors. Ignorance and awareness when it comes to this subject is part of what is bringing the continent of Africa backward. Most times you would hear majority of people in that part of the world saying that this is what we shall do because our pastor say so. My good people of the world, this is wrong. God Almighty created us in his own image therefore do not let any pastor deceive you by asking you to drink engine oil or dettol all in the name of healing you. This is totally wrong, if you have any problem pray to your God and you will be forgiven and healed. Our God is not partial, he will surely hear your prayers but only if you do it rightly from your heart. We shall discuss more on this subject in our future article. Again we plead with those pastors administering engine oil and dettol to their church members to please stop now because the chemical substances used in preparing the dettol and engine oil which you give out to members of your church to drink is very harmful and could create a terrible situation to those that drank the chemicals all in the name of miracle.

We (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to this South African pastor called Theo Bongani Maseko of Breath of Christ Ministry to stop administering dettol and engine oil to his church members because it is not healthy to do so. The South African government should show concern on this issue by stopping this pastor from his wrong acts because he is gradually killing members of his ministry which is unacceptable and totally wrong.
Source: Viewers Corner News.