Corruption is a disease in Nigeria which must be eradicated for the country to grow but the fear most Nigerians are having is that the federal government of Nigeria is somehow not hitting the nail on the head. There are some people within the government who are still deliberating on national issues but are very corrupt set of individuals which the federal government of Nigeria is aware of but has not done anything to bring them to book. We also believe that for the war on corruption to be won or reduced to the lowest level, those corrupt people in the government at the moment should be brought down. We say so because since the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) started the trial of Bukola Saraki who is the senate president of Nigeria on various offences, up till today nothing is coming out of the case and it looks like the case is dancing up and down which no one knows when it will end. This attitude brings us to asking this question, does it mean that Bukolar Saraki is above the law? Again when the trial started, we (Viewers Corner News) wrote an article to that effect that if care is not taken, the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) would be on this Bukola Saraki’s case until APC/president Buhari’s led government leaves office and that is exactly the tune of the case at the moment which is bad. We (Viewers Corner News) quite agree that president Buhari and his government are doing nicely on the war against corruption but they are not following it aggressively and as long as those corrupt Nigerian politicians are still in their various offices doing their jobs, the war against corruption will not be won completely. Normally if it were in some countries of the world, anyone who has his or her name mentioned on any corruption issue should step aside pending the outcome of the investigation or trial and if such individual is found not guilty then, the said person or persons can continue their jobs but in Nigeria it is not so. Most people linked to corruption and falsification issues are still feeling very comfortable in their jobs till today. Look at Yakubu Dogara on budget padding, nothing was heard anymore on that aspect. Such issue is very bad which no government should tolerate even though he is not facing any trial because the constitution of Nigeria does not see it as an offence but then common sense told us that it is wrong. Such a well placed individual and his associates should not have been involved in such a matter, all they would have done is to render apology to the Nigerian public for budget padding and continue their job but right now that issue is forgotten even president Buhari himself is very close to these men as alleged therefore fighting them may be difficult. However we shall always stand with APC/president Buhari’s led government because since Nigeria gained her independence from Britain in 1960, this government (APC/president Buhari’s led government) is the only one so far that has shown willingness to work and correct the terrible mistakes which has brought the country (Nigeria) backward. With time they will surely rebuild Nigeria to greatness, all that is required now is the support of all Nigerians to achieve their objectives.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
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