Princess Cristina of Spain is the first member of the monarch family since its reestablishment in 1978 to face criminal charges. She appeared in the court on Monday, January 11, 2015 on the charges of tax fraud. According to report, the Spanish King Felipe VI’ s sister, Princess Cristina along with her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin and 16 others face trial of fraud surrounding Mr. Urdangarin’s nonprofit consultancy, Nóos, managed by Urdangarin and his business partner Diego Torres. The foundation allegedly embezzled €6.2 million public funds. Princess Cristina was a member of the board of the Nóos Institute and co-owned the consulting firm Aizoon with Urdangarin. She is charged with two counts of accessory to tax fraud while Urdangarin faces charges for crimes including fraud, falsification and embezzlement.

If found guilty, princess Cristina faces a jail term not less than eight years and Urdangarin, more than nineteen years in prison. Princess Cristina and her husband moved to Geneva in 2013 after being barred from participating in all Spanish crown events and King Felipe VI (Cristina’s brother) last year stripped his sister and husband, Urdangarin of their titles of Duchess and Duke of Palma de Mallorca.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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