Fulani Herdsmen

The people of Nigeria are enduring economic hardship which has brought severe pain to them. But the government of Nigeria is not helping matters.

What is happening in Nigeria right now has given the people of Nigeria reasons to worry because they do not know how and where the next meal is going to come from, taking into consideration issues such as insecurity which is the number one problem. Right now, farmers in Nigeria can no longer go to their farms because of fear of being killed by Fulani Herdsmen. Even after planting their crops, the Fulani herdsmen and their cows will go into the farms and eat up all the crops and the government of Nigeria is not doing enough to end this disturbing issue. Look at the travel expenses of the president of Nigeria which runs into billions of naira annually as alleged, honestly moderation should have been applied in this situation. Corruption has taken almost every sector of the economy of Nigeria. The judiciary of Nigeria has been hijacked as alleged by some dishonest politicians and businessmen in the country which is so sad. Normally this arm of government is supposed to be the eye of the ordinary man which is no longer so. The government of Nigeria keeps on borrowing money from the international community with unfavourable conditions and this would affect the children yet unborn. Again, there are also many issues that the government of Nigeria is not addressing to give Nigerians hope, so asking them to continue to endure the terrible economic hardship does not make sense in our opinion. The people of Nigeria want to see positive results that would give them hope, believing that after a long period, things would get better in the country, but as it is now, there are no such things which is troubling. Based on this, we are appealing to the government of Nigeria to go back to the drawing table to figure out how to get things done properly because Nigerians are hurting.
Source: Viewers Corner News

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