Nigerian security operatives


All the security operatives in Nigeria most especially, the Nigerian army and the Nigerian police force are using this horrible statement against their fellow human being, “I WILL WASTE YOU AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN”. As they say nothing will happen, if truly they waste the person, their superior officers will always cover them up when such act of wickedness is committed against their fellow Nigerian brothers and sisters across the country (Nigeria). Even their superior officers in the armed forces of Nigeria are worse than the junior officers who would beat up unarmed civilian and walk away with it. Several times according to our (Viewers Corner News) correspondent in Lagos (Nigeria) who witnessed where both an army personnel and a police officer told someone that if he did not take time, they will waste him and nothing will happen. This can only happen in a country (Nigeria) where laws and orders do not mean anything to those mandated by the law of the land to protect lives and properties which is bad. Based on this, Viewers Corner News team is pleading with those officers of the law who are using these horrible words, “I WILL WASTE YOU AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN” to please stop using such words against their fellow citizens. That you are wearing a government uniform does not permit you to waste anyone who do not agree with you at any point in time. There are better ways to handle such situation instead of wasting the person. Always remember that the person you are about to waste is a human being like you and deserves some respect. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to appeal to the federal government of Nigeria to call the management of the security operatives in Nigeria to order. On no account should the uniform men open fire recklessly on any one anytime such officer is provoked. The armed forces of Nigeria are there to protect and save lives and should not be the ones to waste lives which they supposed to protect. The federal government of Nigeria through various media outfits should educate both the security operatives and the citizens of the country (Nigeria) so that everyone knows his/her limits. Basic rules should be taught and made known to the Nigerian public through the media because most security operatives and the citizens of the country (Nigeria) do not know certain rules guiding them. Perhaps if all these are done, it would go a long way in putting everyone on check.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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