In the past when elders were having certain discussions which they felt would not be too good if it gets into the ears of their children, they tried their best to keep it very private and out of the reach of their children because the implication of such negative matters being discussed or being carried out in the presence of children could lead to disaster. It is most likely that they may copy and at the same time practise those terrible things which they learned or heard from their parents, that is why all parents should try to put their children always in the right ways because attitude of our Nigerian youths today showed that the orientation they received from their parents contributed negatively in their daily lives. Again there are other negative aspects which may also influence their behavioural pattern but first getting a good start should begin from their elders which is family value and proper moral upbringing. Now if you listen to the comments on social media from most Nigerian youths, one would wonder how such group of individuals can be able to govern the country (Nigeria) nicely if given the opportunity to do so because majority of them do not think properly before they act or answer any question put forward before them. These are individuals believed to be educated, somehow it is not their fault but the fault of the Nigerian system based on what they see happening on daily basis in the country (Nigeria) coupled with their lack of family values. Look at the recent one that happened, the ex-governor of Delta state (Mr James Ibori) who served a jail term in a London prison for fraud related offences was given a red carpet welcome when he returned to Nigeria and majority of those who were there singing praises for him are the youths who did not see anything wrong in what Mr James Ibori (the ex-governor of Delta state) did. Even the elders in Delta state also did not see anything wrong with what he did. The Delta state government allegedly earmarked over 350 million Naira for Mr James Ibori’s welcome party which led us to ask, what message are the elders in Nigeria passing across to their children? If a convicted fraudster (Mr James Ibori) who returned to Nigeria was given a red carpet welcome, it then means that the elders and those in power are encouraging indiscipline as a way of life in the country (Nigeria) which is very bad and any country that does such terrible things can never move forward. What about the other corrupt Nigerian politicians who are in the habit of stealing money from the treasury of the country (Nigeria) with impunity which is no longer a secret and the Nigerian youths who are the leaders of tomorrow are seeing all these atrocities being committed by the people they look up to for guidance. Such attitude only tells us one thing which is when it gets to the turn of the youths to lead the country (Nigeria), they would also do the same thing. Honestly the only way such attitude can be corrected in Nigeria is to initiate and implement a radical change in the country (Nigeria) irrespective of who is involved. Get those who mortgage the future of Nigeria for their own selfish gains to face the law and when they are convicted, they should be made to serve a very long jail term. Those who are morally right should keep on preaching the better side of life, good people like that are in Nigeria but very few. Again with the recent protests in Nigeria, one can at least identify them, such goodwill messages shall be allowed to continue as a means of sending messages to the government of Nigeria for them to know that they can not do things and get away with it so easily. Let every Nigerian join the movement and in so doing, things may get better in the long run.

Source: Viewers Corner News.