Telecommunication is another important sector which President Buhari’s administration should look into properly because Nigeria as a great country has come a long way and should improve on its telecommunication system to benefit the Nigerian citizens. Viewers Corner News team is calling on President Buhari to kindly look into this aspect as suggested. Nigerian citizens are paying so much and do not get much benefits for what they are paying for. Somehow, concessions should be given to the telecommunication companies in Nigeria so that they can import solid equipment that would enable them improve their network system across Nigeria. This is very important and government should also set up a real standard procedures in which these telecommunication companies should operate on or improve on the existing rules they have been operating on because telecommunication is very important and should be seen as a key to growth in any system of government. President Buhari’s administration should review the laws and create more opportunities for companies to come in and invest in telecommunication. The existing ones in Nigeria should improve/upgrade their network services in the country for the benefit of the citizens of Nigeria. Obasanjo’s administration tried when he was there as the President of Nigeria, he brought in good telecommunication system which was very nice. If Goodluck Jonathan had worked well by improving on what Obasanjo’s administration did or left behind, the country would have been better off but corruption was the order of the day under Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. Viewers Corner News team is appealing to Mr Buhari (the President of Nigeria) to also look into this area of telecommunication and do the right thing.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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