Viewers Corner News team findings revealed how some of those individuals that worked for Bukola Saraki (the senate president of Nigeria) stole millions of Naira and went away, we have it on good record that this man (Bukola Saraki) have a special place in his home where he stores real cash which runs into millions of Naira but unfortunately for him some of those trusted individuals gained access to that store and made away with huge sum of money which runs into millions of Naira. This man Bukola Saraki who is the senate president of Nigeria has been involved in different scandals in the past, even his case is still in the court for some corruption related issues. Sometime ago he hired dozens of lawyers from abroad to assist him in his court case, now how can a man like this with different faces still be deliberating on national matters up till today. Normally this should not have been so and the surprising aspect is that most Nigerians do not see anything wrong in all the allegations against him, we also gathered that some group of people are praising him as one of the best leaders in Nigeria. If we examine it carefully, these group of people praising Bukola Saraki can barely feed properly, they forgot that part of the money which would have been used to better their lives is what some of these politicians are using personally to enrich themselves. We can go on and on to describe the unhealthy attitudes of some of these Nigerian leaders, the point we are trying to establish here is that such a man should not have been deliberating on national issues because he has lots of skeletons in his cupboard but he is still there.
How can a country move forward with people like this? Therefore time has come for Nigerians to start putting things right by studying the activities of most of these corrupt Nigerian politicians whether to keep on fronting and voting for them to direct the affairs of the country (Nigeria). Again the success of any country depend largely on the leadership of that country in question by leaders using the available resources of the nation wisely for the good of the country, but in Nigeria, we doubt such possibility because lots of those bad eggs are still in government and would always continue to pad the budget and stockpile stolen money in their residents. These are the group of individuals that should not be in government so that the country (Nigeria) can move forward.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
Source: Viewers Corner News.