Ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo who led Nigeria for years believes that retiring those elderly politicians from politics would save the continent of Africa most especially Nigeria (where lots of elderly corrupt politicians in various positions of authority without direction who have been in the fore front of corruption for years looting the treasury of the country). To some extent, he is right but there are some elderly politicians across Africa most especially in Nigeria who are sincere and very ready to put things right. In all fairness, most youths across Africa are as terrible as the elderly corrupt politicians and those youths if the opportunity to lead is giving to them, the treasury of their various countries may be emptied in a short period of time which is the truth because their quest for personal wealth and living large would deter some of them from doing the right thing for their various countries. However, a careful fact finding of anyone who would mount the leadership stage of her country is very important. Viewers Corner News team believe that the only thing that would bring great leadership to any country is the enforcement and respect for the rule of law which is the key to achieving any set objective. Whoever that commits an offence and has been proven guilty by a law court should be sent to jail no matter the status of such individual. Once that aspect is achieved, then those that would come into office or planning to loot the treasury of the country would be very careful and may not abuse the trust and position of their various offices because if they do, they already know what is at stake for them. As a leader, if money is kept in your possession and the ones that would be generated as time goes on are properly used to execute projects in your various countries, believe it or not no one in the continent of Africa would be hungry. There would be enough for everyone but because of corruption, selfishness and greed, leaders all over Africa who have no regard for human lives have been the reason the continent is backward till today, but then only the enforcement of the rule of law would tame those corrupt politicians. In Nigeria, ex-governor of Abia state (Senator Orji Kalu) was jailed for defrauding his state, after few weeks or months in prison, he was released. When he was away, his salary and benefits as a senator were always paid to him as alleged. He should have been made to pay severely for destroying his state through corruption and many of them like senator Orji Kalu are still out there looting the treasury of the country while those who voted for them to become leaders are in severe economic hardship which is absolutely wrong. Enforcing the rule of law is very important, send those offenders who break the law to jail and leave them there until they finish serving their jail terms. Such action would teach those would be leaders that coming to office as leaders is to work for the development of their various countries and not to loot the treasury. More on this topic would come in our (Viewers Corner News team) next article.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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