Some Nigerians who spoke to Viewers Corner News correspondent in Lagos stated that President Buhari’s government disappointed them in so many ways. Our (Viewers Corner News) correspondent asked them why and in which ways did President Buhari’s government failed them. They said that when President Buhari was campaigning for votes, he promised Nigerians that he was going to fix the country (Nigeria) nicely by bringing the cost of various essential items to affordable prices but now those promises have become history. First, President Buhari said he was going to make dollar be the same exchange rate with Naira and majority of Nigerians believed him then because of his good track records during the 80s as a military leader. They also said that before President Buhari came to office as president of Nigeria, a bag of rice was sold at an affordable price but now, the poor masses can no longer afford to buy such food anymore. The same with maize, fertilizer and others. They also told Viewers Corner News correspondent that the rate at which the federal government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Buhari is borrowing money from China and other financial institutions is getting out of hand. They said that the federal government of Nigeria is borrowing money recklessly to build rail and put in most areas that would not yield so much profit for the country (Nigeria). According to them, it would have been better to build rail in places where the profit turnover would be huge because they believe that rail transport if managed properly, would bring lots of income to the country (Nigeria) most especially if such business is sited in areas of demand and later, on a gradual process such services can be built in other parts of the country but as it is now, the money they borrowed from China and other financial institutions were mostly used to build infrastructures in areas that are not needed and profitable because of their personal interests, not for the development of the country as a whole. The rail project which has taken billions of Naira was a one sided project which does not bring oneness among Nigerians. Our (Viewers Corner News team) take on all these complains coming from Nigerians both home and abroad is that Nigerians should be calm and continue to support President Buhari’s government. If there is something the federal government of Nigeria under the leadership of president Buhari is not doing well, Nigerians should point it out to the government through a peaceful means. Another point is that the minister of information is not doing his duty properly. Both the minister and his ministry should engage Nigerians by appealing to them at all times most especially on issues of government policies because if the people of Nigeria are properly informed on how and why things are going the way they are, perhaps the country (Nigeria) would be at peace with the federal government but not talking to Nigerians on so many issues through the ministry of information has made lots of people in Nigeria believe that they have been left in the dark. Again, the federal government of Nigeria should constantly be speaking with Nigerians on why certain government policies should be carried out which we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to the federal government of Nigeria to always do.
Source: Viewers Corner News.