Queen Rania of Jordan is a noble woman and highly respected world wide, she said recently in Jouy-en-Josas near Paris
that moderate Muslims are not doing enough to fight the Islamic state group according to Viewers Corner’s source in Paris, France. She has spoken well but Viewers Corner is of the opinion that the world should engage the Islamic state group only through diplomacy and dialogue. No matter how long it may take to achieve peace, most definitely it will surely come someday.
Again, Viewers Corner is suggesting that proper education be given to all those children joining different terrorist groups, the world should redirect its resource towards creating enlightenment campaign, educating the youths of this world to change their ideologies which they have adopted that made them have hatred for other humans and also letting them know that using force to achieve an objective is not the best answer. All these should come as a campaign package, every nation should work it out for everyone to see and read because time has come for everyone on earth to follow the right way. Viewers Corner is pleading to the Islamic state group to please have a rethink and reassess their roles in this world. Let them take the road to peace because we are all children of God and never allow our indifference to tear us apart. Diplomacy and Dialogue should be our Key words.
Greg Emordi,