We (Viewers corner news) have written articles on this aspect in the past and we would like to deliberate more on it again. One thing is going to school to obtain all the necessary qualifications from the best institutions around the world, another is having the wisdom and integrity to lead and do what is right for the people you are leading. In Nigeria today, there are lots of people with less educational qualification but have the God given wisdom and integrity to lead the people if given the opportunity to do so. We (Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team) have identified lots of them in the country (Nigeria), certainly not from this group of people parading themselves as politicians, they are only there for themselves and their families.

Since Nigeria gained her independence from Britain in 1960, the highly educated ones as they are called have been in power for so long and misleading the Nigerian public. It’s like the education they acquired from various institutions of higher learning is used for selfish purposes. Majority of them despite their educational qualifications lack the God given wisdom to lead the people and until this aspect is properly addressed, moving the country (Nigeria) forward would be very difficult. Another terrible aspect is that the children of this generation who are supposed to learn morals are being taught the wrong way. We (Viewers Corner News) would suggest the creation of a committee that would be called “A HUNT FOR LEADERSHIP” in the country (Nigeria) and also restructuring the educational system of Nigeria which would teach the youths morals and caring for their fellow human beings as a way of life. Also letting them know that every human being is created the same way, so undermining people most especially when one is in power and also refusing to assist those who are in need is punishable by God Almighty. We should also respect and obey the laws of the land no matter how well placed we may be in the society. This attitude would have to start from our homes. It would be nice if implemented and at the end, we would have planted a good seed in our children when they grow up. If tomorrow these children are elected to any office, those little seeds (morals) planted in them would always guide them to be good human beings free from corruption, selfishness and greed, which would enable them see other individuals as one big family and do what is right for them. Everyone should try and give his/her children a humble beginning which would lead them to a better tomorrow.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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