Not too long ago, the Accountant General’s office in Nigeria revealed that a university misled them into paying dead workers, this is very funny and shameful. Again, this practice has been going on for years without anyone knowing it, Viewers Corner News team call this situation an unfortunate one which the Accountant General’s office should share part of the blame. There are lots of ways to verify whether those you are paying salaries on monthly basis are active workers or ghost workers, any competent officer would understand it. This practice of paying ghost workers in Nigeria has been in existence for years in various government offices and Nigeria as a country is not finding solution to end such ugly situation. Honestly, this huge loss of money on monthly basis to ghost workers in various government offices is part of the reasons Nigeria is not moving forward. Money that would have been used for other projects in the country (Nigeria) finds its way to the pockets of most senior government officials, it sound so unimaginable but that is the truth. Now President Buhari’s led government has requested for another loan approval from the senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which to an extent is not a healthy way to run a progressive economy. Our (Viewers Corner News team) point is that the federal government of Nigeria should come up with measures that would enable her block various financial leakages before borrowing to solve issues because somewhere along the line, part of what is borrowed would go to ghost workers at various offices in the country (Nigeria). Again, we (Viewers Corner News team) would use this opportunity to appeal to the federal government of Nigeria to slow down on issues of borrowing money. We (Viewers Corner News team) shall write more on this topic in our next article.
Source: Viewers Corner News.