Corruption is still very rampant in Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) of Nigeria based on our (Viewers Corner News team) findings. Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team is calling on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of Nigeria to kindly visit the commission and find out what is going on there. We (Viewers Corner News team) have it on record that most contractors whose files have been pending till today despite doing their jobs for Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) can not get their money instead some senior officials of the commission are requesting for huge bribes from the contractors before their files can be moved from one office to another which is bad.
A contractor would borrow money to execute a project for the commission (NDDC) with the hope of getting the money so that he or she can pay back the loan from whereever it was collected, but at the end such payment would not get to the contractors which is frustrating to them (Contractors). On that note we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on those senior officers of the commission (NDDC) who have refused to work on the files of those contractors which we (Viewers Corner News team) have evidences to get them arrested or removed from office to urgently work on the files of those contractors so that they can be paid.
Our (Viewers Corner News team) next option would be to send the names of those senior officers of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) who are denting the image of president Buhari’s fight against corruption to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFFC) for further investigation. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to plead with the federal government of Nigeria to clean up most ministries across Nigeria because the corruption going on there at the moment is getting out of hand. It is huge which should be stopped.
Source: Viewers Corner News.