The 2023 presidential election conducted on February 25 has shown how some members and supporters of the All Progressives Congress are, especially the minister of information, Mr. Lai Mohammed. Mr. Lai Mohammed and his political party (APC) came to office on the pretense that they would fix the economy of Nigeria and make it work better. Based on that, Nigerians elected them to office. But in the end, Nigerians discovered that the All Progressives Congress is worse than the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria. The corruption associated with the All Progressives Congress is huge when compared to when the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria was in power. Now an elderly man like Mr. Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s minister of information, has the boldness to say that “doubting Alhaji Bola Tinubu’s election victory because the Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria failed to upload results to IRev is fraud.” We want to inform Mr. Lai Mohammed that the All Progressives Congress and the Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria joined together and rigged the February 25 presidential election. They are the ones who committed the worst fraud ever in the history of Nigeria. Even a blind man can see that the election was badly rigged; only APC members and their few supporters are saying that the elections were free and fair. The whole world is aware that Nigeria’s democratic elections of 2023 were not free and fair. Intimidation of voters was carried out across the country, which the international observers can testify to. Also, some Nigerians lost their lives while trying to cast their votes. However, Nigerians and the world are waiting anxiously to see the outcome of the cases at the electoral tribunal before deciding which way to go.
Source: Viewers Corner News