Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our source revealed that local government areas in Nigeria have started getting their monthly federal allocation which is great. With such arrangement if properly used by the local government chairmen in the country (Nigeria), people from their communities would get out of poverty as quickly as possible which is nice. Viewers Corner News team applaud the federal government of Nigeria for keeping to her words. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to plead with the local government chairmen in Nigeria not to be intimidated by their governors because they are protected by law to use the funds to develop their communities. Again local government chairmen should also know that if the federal allocation is not properly used, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) would pay a visit to your office. We (Viewers Corner News team) said this in our previous article and we are doing so again, use your allocations wisely so that the people in your local government areas can live a comfortable life.
Source: Viewers Corner News.