Mr Agba Jalingo accused governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State (Nigeria) of having diverted about 500 million Naira state government Micro finance bank money to his personal use, the journalist has his facts which he published for the world to see. If governor Ben Ayade is innocent of the allegation, the best thing to do is take Mr Agba Jalingo to a court of law where he would be asked to prove his case and not intimidating him. With Mr Agba Jalingo’s continued detention, we (Viewers Corner News team) have no doubt that the allegation is true. Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State (Nigeria) as we (Viewers Corner News team) found out has always been a very corrupt man and should not have been elected to office in the first place to lead Cross River State. To an extent, voters in Nigeria are to be blamed for what is happening to them because during elections, an individual who may have looted the treasury of the country (Nigeria) would come out and begin to share money to the people all in the name of “I want to be the governor of the state”, ignorantly most voters who have no idea of what governance is all about and refused to listen would fall into the traps of those dubious manipulators who want to be governors. Immediately they are elected to office, their horrible side would start manifesting, all the promises made to the people during campaign would vanish, then looting would start. The moment any brave journalist points out the mistakes of that leader, the next thing would be to have him or her arrested and all sorts of funny charges would be placed on the journalist. This is exactly what is happening to Mr Agba Jalingo at the moment. We (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to all the journalists in Nigeria not to be intimidated by any politician for publishing any article for the world to see. First crosscheck your facts and publish it as you see it so that the world would know exactly what is going on in your country (Nigeria). Again we (Viewers Corner News team) have seen severally how court orders in Nigeria have been disobeyed, meaning that democracy in Nigeria is not working the way it should be. Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to appeal to Nigerian voters to always listen to the voice of the media most especially during elections because they have more facts about those contesting for leadership positions in the country (Nigeria). Anytime issues are published about them, always examine it properly and ask questions before casting your votes for them because once they are elected to office, they will not listen to those who made them become leaders, all their promises would be thrown into the trash box. The reason you have the media is to guide you into making a good decision that would bring progress to the country (Nigeria), meaning that if you are well informed, you would most probably make a good decision. Please do not sell your conscience by collecting cash gifts from a governorship candidate through his or her agent and vote for him, even when you know that the candidate in question will not do well if elected to office because at the end, it is you who would suffer the pains. Be wise before casting your votes for any candidate. Very soon 2023 would be here and all sorts of promises would start coming. If you are not careful, you may fall into their traps and hardship would continue. Come 2023, Viewers Corner News team would design a system where analysis of candidates would be shown which would enable voters in Nigeria to understand clearly who they are casting their votes for, all the candidate’s history no matter who the person is shall be made open to all Nigerians. Knowing your candidates properly before casting your votes would be the beginning of development for the country (Nigeria). We (Viewers Corner News team) also believe that in Nigeria today, there are lots of great people who would want the country (Nigeria) to be like Dubai but they are not in positions of authority in the country (Nigeria). These are the people we (Viewers Corner News team) shall promote to take over leadership positions in Nigeria. Majority of those in power at the moment in Nigeria are only there to enrich themselves and their families which is the truth. Almost all the governors and other politicians have their families living extravagantly abroad, using the money meant for all Nigerians to do that. This attitude needs a new approach if only the voters in Nigeria would listen and change the system of electing these corrupt leaders to office. Again, your vote is your weapon, use it nicely to create a change that would make Nigeria great.

Source: Viewers Corners News.

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