Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) is a double face man who wears different deceitful masks of different political parties in Nigeria. Such a man should not have been seen in any corridor of power in Nigeria, take it or leave it, that is the truth. The people who are paying the price for governor David Umahi’s deceitful system are the people of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) that he manipulated in order to be re-elected to office, ever since then, things have not been good in the state (Ebonyi state). In Ebonyi state, if you do not belong to governor David Umahi’s camp or support his agendas whether good or bad, he is going to ask his men to pull you down. Now hear this; there are lots of allegations on issues of corruption through creating unwanted or non-existing projects in Ebonyi state so as to corner huge amount of money for himself (governor Umahi) and other few “yes yes” members while majority of the people of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) go to sleep on empty stomach which is bad. On another note, it is the voters in Ebonyi state (Nigeria) who should be blamed for the pains they are passing through on daily basis because they re-elected governor David Umahi to office after allegedly collecting some handouts from him. Again, no matter what anyone does either ways, the person will surely get it back either ways too. If someone like ex-governor Orji Uzo Kalu of Abia state (Nigeria) can be jailed for corruption, then governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) should have a rethink because there are lots of allegations of such issue against him too. It is only a matter of time for those in-charge to press the button which we (Viewers Corner News team) are sure shall come later, therefore governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) should be mindful of how he treats the people of Ebonyi state (Nigeria) because when that time comes, if he does not change now for good, we (Viewers Corner News team) shall remind him of our advice to leave wickedness and govern the people of Ebonyi state in a sincere manner which he is not yielding to at the moment.
Source: Viewers Corner News.