BRICS nations

Economic slavery is fast fading away around the world with the establishment of the BRICS nations.

The West and the United States of America have been using their powers for so many years to intimidate and destabilize poorer countries around the world, believing that no one can ever unseat them. But the establishment of BRICS by some great countries of the world who want to make the world a better place for all should be seen as a welcome development. If the United States of America is having issues with some of the BRICS nations, especially China and Russia, and wants other countries to join them in hating China and Russia, then such a move can never be accepted. Though some countries may join the United States in whatever they say or do, whether good or bad, most countries will not listen to them. You should not hate someone who has not committed any offense against you. Again, one of the reasons the United States is not happy with South Africa is because of its closeness to Russia and China. It was alleged that the United States of America wanted South Africa to ban Huawei (a Chinese outfit) from the country, but South Africa rejected such a request. Again, the United States of America is not in any position to tell South Africa who to do business with; such audacity is unacceptable. So said the government and the people of South Africa, which is great. Huawei is a great name in the field of technology and has contributed to the growth of South Africa; therefore, any country asking South Africa to ban such a great outfit is wasting his or her time. Another aspect that the Viewers Corner News team is looking into is the establishment of the BRICS, which so many countries in the world have indicated interest in joining. The BRICS will be a blessing to countries around the world when it becomes fully operational, especially to the continent of Africa, which has huge natural resources. Our advice to the United States of America and the West is this: they should figure out how they will cooperate with BRICS nations so that they will not be left out. Failing to do so is certainly going to affect the economy of the United States of America in a negative way, as well as that of the West, when the agendas of the BRICS nations become fully operational. Now is the time to get started and put things right.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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