
African map

What have countries on the continent of Africa benefitted from practising democracy?

Democracy in its short form is the government of the people. But look at the ways leaders of Africa who claimed to be practising such a system have taken it upon themselves to abuse such a beautiful system which should have been the best because it allows everyone to choose who shall represent them at […]

What have countries on the continent of Africa benefitted from practising democracy? Read More »

Burkina Faso President

Capt. Ibrahim Traore, the military leader of Burkina-Faso and the late leader of Libya, Col. Muammar Gaddafi have the same vision of development and ending poverty.

A country with a dedicated leader, very honest, focused and with a vision shall always work for the betterment of the people of the country. Look at Burkina-Faso, the young military leader, Capt. Ibrahim Traore has taken it upon himself to build infrastructures for the people of his country. The most interesting aspect of his

Capt. Ibrahim Traore, the military leader of Burkina-Faso and the late leader of Libya, Col. Muammar Gaddafi have the same vision of development and ending poverty. Read More »

Burkina Faso leader

Burkina-Faso’s prison system should be emulated by countries on the continent of Africa.

We have studied Burkina-Faso’s prison reformed system and we discovered that it is a good one that shall be of benefit to the prisoners and the country in general. The military leader of Burkina-Faso, Capt. Ibrahim Traore is a genius. He has engaged the prisoners in massive agricultural works. First, such a system shall make

Burkina-Faso’s prison system should be emulated by countries on the continent of Africa. Read More »


Most Western countries who claim that African countries are so poor are busy stealing African resources to better the lives of their people. France as a case study.

No one can fool all the people all the time. It would get to a point where those who have been pushed to the wall would turn around and begin to ask questions. Even if they do not want to ask all the questions because their hands are tied, but then their children who are

Most Western countries who claim that African countries are so poor are busy stealing African resources to better the lives of their people. France as a case study. Read More »

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump of the United States of America thinks that countries on the continent of Africa can be pushed around like it was done years back. Such an era is long gone.

If care is not taken, President Donald Trump of the United States of America is going to bring massive setbacks to his country before leaving office. We are saying so because of President Donald Trump’s unfriendly system towards countries on the continent of Africa, including other countries around the world. Again, countries on the continent

President Donald Trump of the United States of America thinks that countries on the continent of Africa can be pushed around like it was done years back. Such an era is long gone. Read More »

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump’s agenda for countries on the continent of Africa would give leaders of Africa the opportunity to grow their economies.

Most countries of the world are angry, especially countries on the continent of Africa, that President Donald Trump of the United States of America has taken a tough stand against them and the people of their various countries. In our opinion, we believe that President Trump’s decision is a good one, and also it is

President Donald Trump’s agenda for countries on the continent of Africa would give leaders of Africa the opportunity to grow their economies. Read More »

Burkina Faso President

A 35-year-old Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso has proven to all elderly corrupt leaders in Africa that they have outstayed their usefulness in office and should leave for the youths to take over.

This is a wake-up call for voters in various countries in Africa to source decent youths and present them to vie for leadership positions. We are saying so based on the great works of Capt. Ibrahim Traore, who is the military leader of Burkina Faso. This young leader, since he came to power, has completely

A 35-year-old Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso has proven to all elderly corrupt leaders in Africa that they have outstayed their usefulness in office and should leave for the youths to take over. Read More »


Those who murdered Africa’s greatest leaders and other leaders across the world are calling President Putin of Russia an invader of Ukraine and a murderer. What a joke.

It was so easy to manipulate the people of the world years back when communication systems were only limited to certain groups of people and governments, who thought that they could carry out dangerous activities and use the means only available to them to cover it up, or they could come up with some deceitful

Those who murdered Africa’s greatest leaders and other leaders across the world are calling President Putin of Russia an invader of Ukraine and a murderer. What a joke. Read More »

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana

Ex-president Nana Akufo Addo of Ghana shall be investigated for corruption according to the newly elected president of Ghana, which is great.

The Viewers Corner News team did not see this announcement of investigating ex-president of Ghana as a surprise. We already knew that the investigation would come as soon as the newly elected president of Ghana takes over the leadership of the country. Ex-president Nana Akufo Addo of Ghana was a puppet of the West, always

Ex-president Nana Akufo Addo of Ghana shall be investigated for corruption according to the newly elected president of Ghana, which is great. Read More »

President Alassane Ouattara of Ivory Coast

President Alassane Ouattara of Ivory Coast expelling French troops from his country is for him to score a political point towards October 2025.

The president of Ivory Coast, President Alassane Ouattara, can never be trusted. He is a man with too many faces. He made a declaration not too long ago that the French troops will be leaving Ivory Coast permanently, but President Alassane Quattara is a loyal friend of the French and is ever ready to do

President Alassane Ouattara of Ivory Coast expelling French troops from his country is for him to score a political point towards October 2025. Read More »

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