Dead bodies on the streets of countries in the continent of Africa said by Mrs Melinda Gates who is the wife of Bill Gates (one of the richest men in the world); if what is happening in Spain and Italy at the moment are to happen in various countries in Africa, dead bodies would be everywhere because of the system in Africa which is the truth and nothing but the truth. Though such statement is a very sensitive one but rightly said by Mrs Melinda Gates. The truth hurts but it is good to say it so that those in leadership positions in various countries in the continent of Africa would get things done the right way. Let us look at it this way; in Nigeria for example, the federal government ordered a shut down just to protect citizens of the country against Coronavirus which is also being carried out in other parts of the world but the citizens of Nigeria do not want to obey this order. Even though the federal government of Nigeria and the states government across the country did not make adequate provision on how the citizens would get essential commodities to take care of themselves during this period of shut down, but then your life matters a whole lot, so the sit at home order should be obeyed. Another horrible aspect was seeing some uniform men in Nigeria driving fully loaded transport vehicles from one point to another. Assuming one of those passengers in those vehicles has the Coronavirus, most definitely it would get to the rest people in those vehicles. This disease would spread like wild fire which would result to death of millions of people in Nigeria and also in other parts of Africa where such practice is being carried out. This is exactly where Mrs Melinda Gates statement comes into play. Please when the federal or state government says that everyone should stay at home for this period of shut down, such order should be obeyed, no party should be organized and people should not be seen in groups but in Nigeria most people do not believe in such order which is bad. The past governments in Nigeria that should have done the needful when they were in office did not do much to put things right, corruption took part of their lives. All the huge amount of money budgeted to execute projects that would bring benefits to the people of Nigeria were shared among political party members, leaving majority of Nigerians in abject poverty which is bad. When ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo was in office, an alleged sixteen billion dollars to give the people of Nigeria electricity was mapped out for that project but up till today, there is no steady light in the country (Nigeria) and the sixteen billion dollars can not be accounted for. President Buhari and his government promised the people of Nigeria that he was going to investigate to know what went wrong, but till today nothing has been done about it. The health care system in Nigeria is nothing to write home about. When the ordinary people of Nigeria fall sick, there are no good hospitals to run to for treatment which is bad, but if the past governments had planned properly when they were in office, by now things would have been different which again brings us to the issue of leadership. Nigeria as a country has all it takes to be among the best in the world but the country (Nigeria) lacks leadership and those who would have done well in putting things right are not giving the opportunity to do so, therefore Nigerians should blame their leaders over Mrs Melinda Gates statement because the woman understood properly what is going on in the continent of Africa before making such statement. For leaders in Africa most especially Nigeria to prove Mrs Melinda Gates wrong, we (Viewers Corner News team) urge them to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to get things done the right way. Invest more on your health care system so that when your citizens fall sick, they would have good and affordable hospitals that can take care of them. Invest in agriculture to feed the growing population of the country (Nigeria), probe those past leaders who stole billions of money belonging to the people of Nigeria and if they are found guilty, they should be sent to jail for a very long time because they brought these hardships the people of Nigeria are passing through at the moment. All these we (Viewers Corner News team) expect President Buhari and his government to do. Also sack those dormant ministers in your government, Nigeria as a country needs active ministers to get the job done properly so that the country (Nigeria) can move forward. We (Viewers Corner News team) shall write more on this topic in our next article.
Source: Viewers Corner News.