African people are very peaceful, compassionate and kind in nature but some rich nations of the world tend to look down on them in most cases, some of the rich nations of the world call them different horrible names which should not have been so. Africans are backward and poor because of their openness to the world based on Viewers Corner news research, however we shall explain more in our future article concerning this topic. Another important fact is that Africans generally believe in God Almighty and some of them can not plan evil against another human being because of their belief in humanity but the few ones who may be causing problems are those that are misinformed and have been pushed to the end of the wall. They have no alternative means to move on in life but despite that they still have that love within them.

Now the message from Viewers Corner news and the advisory team is this, we are appealing to all the countries of the world most especially the rich nations to kindly retrace their footsteps and know where they went wrong and start amending them. We believe that now is the time to get started before it is too late, the rich nations of the world should be honest to the poor and developing nations of the world most especially when they are exploring their natural resources. There should be no more manipulations and deceits of any form, these are some of the reasons the world has not known peace till today. If everyone is comfortable, why would he or she want to kill himself or herself including other innocent citizens of the world? Therefore let us retrace our footsteps and do what is right for the people of the world. Again no amount of sophisticated weapon used by any super power can stop what is going on in the world at the moment but only through diplomacy, dialogue and doing the right thing for the human race would save this horrible situations in the world.
Source: Viewers Corner News.