Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Abuja (Nigeria) revealed that a lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) in Nigeria is sponsoring a bill in the house of representatives which would grant amnesty to those who looted the treasury of the country (Nigeria). This lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) is from Ebonyi state and a member of Peoples Democratic Party (P.D.P) of Nigeria. Now with this kind of a man in the helm of affairs in Nigeria, do we really think that the country (Nigeria) can move forward? The answer is NO, because if this lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) would comfortably sponsor a bill such as this to grant amnesty to those who destroyed the future of Nigeria by emptying the treasury of the country (Nigeria), funds that would have been used to develop the country (Nigeria) are now being banked secretly in most foreign countries by Nigerian looters. Those countries where the stolen wealth is kept are using the money to develop their various countries while Nigeria the real owner of the stolen wealth can barely feed her citizens. Cost of living in Nigeria is getting out of hand and a lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) would then come up with a proposal to grant amnesty to those looters in the country (Nigeria). Sincerely if such bill is passed assuming, it then means that there is trouble in the country (Nigeria) and any lawmaker with such thoughts in his or her mind should normally be recalled by people of his or her constituency for indirectly supporting and aiding looting in Nigeria. Again we (Viewers Corner News team) believe that the man (Mr Linus Okorie) sponsoring this bill in the house of representatives is not doing it alone, he has supporters there in the house. To an extent, it is not the fault of most of these dubious lawmakers but the fault of those who voted for them to represent them. We (Viewers Corner News team) say so because if you run a background check on most of these lawmakers in Nigeria which most Nigerians are aware of, you would agree with Viewers Corner News team that majority of those lawmakers have terrible records which would have made people not to vote them into any office in the country (Nigeria) but in Nigeria once an individual or a politician has some money to throw around during election period, then every other aspect is ignored hence we have lots of politicians who never merited the positions they are occupying today in the country (Nigeria). We would again use this opportunity to plead with millions of our readers in Nigeria and around the world to visit Viewers Corner News website and read more of our educative articles on various issues most especially issues of politics before making any decision on who to cast your votes for because soon election would begin in Nigeria and those dubious treasury looters would come your way offering you money so that you can vote for them. Please do not vote using sentiment or a quick financial gain which is temporal, study who you are casting your vote for and ask questions to know if the candidate is credible. The choice is yours to make, therefore we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) plea with you to change the face of Nigeria to become great and with your single vote, yes, we mean your single vote, it can do that perfectly. Please do not sell your conscience for money by voting the wrong candidate into office, such mistake is as bad as life jail because you have mortgage the country (Nigeria) and the life of the unborn children by voting looters who have no conscience into office . Our (Viewers Corner News team) little description here sound so simple but is real. However we (Viewers Corner News team) shall continue to advise when it is necessary and the lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) who is sponsoring looters bill should please look for a more developmental bill to sponsor. A bill that can end the sufferings of the people of the country (Nigeria), a bill that can put food on the tables of all Nigerians so that they can live life to the fullest. A bill that can create employment for the Nigerian people so that at the end, they can have some money in their pockets. This is what we expect you to do as a lawmaker (Mr Linus Okorie) and not sponsoring amnesty bill for those that destroyed Nigeria. Again if you are confused and do not know which bill to put forward, please privately contact Viewers Corner News and the advisory team for update on issues of politics and development matters. Normally every lawmaker should have real qualified advisers who would guide him or her to review every bill before putting it across to the house and based on what we know now about Mr Linus Okorie (a lawmaker from Ebonyi state, and a member of Peoples Democratic Party (P.D.P) of Nigeria) who is sponsoring amnesty bill for looters in the country (Nigeria), he does not have any adviser which is bad. Please Mr Linus Okorie start now by learning management/Initiative in politics. It would assist you a whole lot as a lawmaker to deliver good governance to your constituency and Nigeria in general.

Source: Viewers Corner News. 
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