It was revealed to Viewers Corner News team that most companies in Nigeria evade taxes and those that are paying are not paying what they are supposed to be paying which is bad. The federal government of Nigeria should study this aspect very well to make sure that proper taxes are collected from those that are eligible to pay taxes. Everywhere in the world, it is a well known fact that taxation is the main source of income for lots of countries and based on that most countries of the world are able to carry out their day to day activities of managing their various countries, it is working for them perfectly. We should also understand that not all countries of the world are blessed with natural resources and where this is not available, the government exploit other areas of making money to build infrastructures for the people of their various countries and at the end taxes are paid. In Nigeria, it is like the past governments relied so much on crude oil money and they forgot other aspects where funds could be raise to support the daily activities of the country (Nigeria). It is also nice to know that president Buhari’s government is creating awareness on this aspect of taxation because recently it was revealed by the federal government of Nigeria that in a population of over 170 million people, only few individuals pay taxes in the country (Nigeria) which is bad. Now that such problem has been identified, we hope that the federal government of Nigeria would follow it the right way so that those who are eligible to pay taxes in the country (Nigeria) should be made to do so. It should be seen as a responsibility which every eligible person in the country (Nigeria) should show concern for. We would also plead with the citizens of the country (Nigeria) not to see tax collection as an act of wickedness, no it is not. Again in as much as everyone in the country (Nigeria) would want a better services to be provided in Nigeria, they should also contribute their own quota by paying taxes so that the federal government of Nigeria can function effectively. President Buhari and his government can not steal your money but will use it to create better services for all the people of Nigeria. Please support president Buhari’s government by paying your taxes so that at the end better services can be provided which would make everyone in the country (Nigeria) comfortable.

Source: Viewers Corner News.