There is a stage one gets to in life either as a public figure through politics or being a man of God or through any form of activity we are rendering to the world which may bring us to limelight as human beings and in other to maintain this fame, we have to be very careful so that we do not hurt ourselves in the long run. As public figures, it is not only politicians that need the services of advisers, every human being does most especially those on the limelight. You need a qualified adviser or you get the services of a consultant who would guide you in most of the things you do. Even if you can not afford to keep one on your payroll, then register with a qualified consulting firm which would advise you occasionally when you run into difficulties. Most rich and famous people do not take this aspect of service seriously, that is why when they get into problems of any kind, it takes them down. It looks so simple but is real and this is where Viewers Corner News and the advisory team comes into play. In this department of our organization, what we do mainly is giving advice to people and we have lots of prominent individuals seeking our services worldwide. This department have well trained and qualified professionals to guide and protect you in any form of danger before it gets you down and every information about our clients are treated as very important and classified too and can never be revealed to anyone. Now to our main topic of discussion. It is very unfortunate that both Apostle Johnson Suleman and Stephinie Otobo allowed their alleged affair to get this nasty, they should not have allowed it to get to the stage where everyone would begin to speak about it and if the man of God has advisers who know their job, they should have advised him correctly to make peace with the girl rather than take this step which he took that made things nasty. Another surprising aspect was when the wife of Apostle Johnson Suleman came out openly to defend the husband that he did not do anything like that, saying that she knows her husband very well and they have been married for 19 years. This is a good defense but madam if Viewers Corner News and the advisory team is counseling you, we will never allow you at this stage of the episode to come out openly and start defending your husband (Apostle Johnson Suleman) the way you did on social media. What you would have done is to stay calm for now. Honestly we know it is very painful as the wife of a man of God widely respected to have your husband get involved in such a huge scandal but the only best option would have been to stay calm like we mentioned here and watch as things unfold before coming out to make any statement. If you had good adviser, this is what you would have been advised to do, this is exactly what we are talking about as having a good adviser to guide you properly. Based on our experience in such sensitive issues which we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) had handled in the past and got it solved peacefully without the world knowing what went wrong to our clients who are also public figures, in this issue involving your husband (Apostle Johnson Suleman) and Stephinie Otobo at the end, you may be surprise that your husband might have committed most of those things he is being accused of. If such happens, then what would you do? After defending your husband publicly that he is innocent, normally this attitude happens to most public figures and it will continue to happen but the ability to handle the crisis is what makes human beings great and this may not be possible without the assistance of a professional adviser. Another point here is that most Nigerians lack the ability to access issues because of sentiment, almost everyone in Nigeria is supporting Apostle Johnson Suleman because he is a man of God. Please we are pleading with such group of people to kindly hold it there, he is a man of God that is correct but not a saint or Jesus Christ and blood runs through his vain as well and may have committed those act he is being accused of doing. Therefore everyone should please tread carefully and as a man of God at that level, he is bound to face temptations from women and it is only a woman that can bring a tough man to his knee because of the special power God Almighty gave to women. Any man who is not careful would fall into that cage and Apostle Johnson Suleman is not an exception. Women are created by God Almighty in a very special way as source of joy and flavour to mankind on earth but if we do not handle them nicely, they can bring us down even lead to death. Women are our mothers, sisters, daughters and deserve every respect from everyone in this world because they are special creatures like we mentioned above but it is unfortunate that most women have abused such special privileges given to them by God which is too bad. Now look at this woman called Stephine Otobo who allegedly had an affair with Apostle Johnson Suleman who should have handled the matter nicely if she had an adviser but unfortunately she does not have any instead she went to the social media to say what she had in private with a man thereby dehumanizing the great attributes of womanhood which God has implanted in every woman. This attitude is so rampant now with most Nigerian women which is not right, even some terrible good for nothing journalists in Nigeria were asking her to describe the manhood or any mark Apostle Johnson Suleman may have in his body for them to believe that she is saying the truth which is bad. However we are not blaming Apostle Johnson Suleman or Stehpinie Otobo for having an affair but our point is this, both of them were unable to manage their crisis properly. We should also remember that this is a woman and could be your sister or your daughter, friend or even someone you know, that is why everyone that is interested in this issue should not blame Stephinie Otobo so much because of what she said about the man of God. Somehow we never can tell at the end she may be right. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to advise Nigerians to kindly play down on sentiment because it has brought the country (Nigeria) backward which has already affected every part of the Nigerian society.
Source: Viewers Corner News. 
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