Senator Ben Bruce from Bayelsa state is one man lots of people in Nigeria liked as a businessman in those days but since he went into politics, his real person begin to surface. Somehow he could be a good person based on the information Viewers Corner News team gathered from those that are very close to him which is alright or could it possibly be that politics has changed him to be a man with too many faces? However only him can answer this question because for quite sometime, we (Viewers Corner News team) have been analyzing his activities as a politician. We discovered that he has not been consistent at all, he says one thing today and before you know it, he is saying another. Such individual being in power could be a problem because anyone who believes his statements could be disappointed at the end and most Nigerians are not seeing this aspect as a problem which is bad. Every leader should be watchful and think properly before taking action on any issue, this is one of the best and important qualities every leader should have. It looks so simple but very important and it is lacking in most leaders in Nigeria and Africa in general. Now here is our point, in October 2016 Ben Bruce allegedly said that president Buhari’ government appointing a lawyer to lead the economic team is a failure. We believe that he was referring to the vice president of Nigeria (Yemi Osinbajo). If Senator Ben Bruce had done his homework properly, he should not have said so because he did not know if Yemi Osinbajo had acquired some business skills during his private practice better than those who studied business administration. We shall discuss more on this topic in our future article. Again in February 2017 this same Ben Bruce said that Yemi Osinbajo (the vice president of Nigeria) should teach president Buhari the system he used which led to the fall of dollar, now Naira is gaining weight which is good. He allegedly said so to commend the good works which the vice president (Osinbajo) is doing at the moment. Now this is a man (Ben Bruce) who once rebuked Yemi Osinbajo in the past as not having what it takes to lead the economic team. Sometime ago he also said that he has never used first class anytime he is traveling with plane. He also said, “make no mistake about it that he has the money to buy a first class ticket but choose not to”, which means as a leader he is trying to lead by example but our findings revealed that Ben Bruce is always flying first class. Now who is fooling who? Most Nigerians are not seeing anything wrong as he keeps contradicting himself at all times as a leader. Normally such deceits should be avoided because lots of people in the country (Nigeria) see you as their mentor and if you keep on acting like this, it will surely affect them negatively and also the way people see politicians. The belief of majority of people in Nigeria is that politicians are liars, to an extent they are right because with this sort of misleading information coming from a leader, it shows that you have lots of credibility issues and may never be trusted. Therefore we are appealing to Ben Bruce and all other leaders in Nigeria to think properly before making any statement because Nigerians both home and abroad are watching. This attitude is common with those that led the country (Nigeria) in the past and that is exactly what most present leaders are practising and it has affected the Nigerian public negatively. Please let us change our ways and rebuild our society in a more honest manner so that those coming behind us would carry the mantle of leadership honourably. Now is the time to get started and work for a better tomorrow.
Source: Viewer Corner News.