It is very nice and clear at this point that majority of Nigerians are now becoming aware of certain activities around them, this process should be regarded as a learning system. It started when president Buhari and his government came to power which is very nice. For any country to develop and become great, this is the first step that needs to be taken. Everyone should first understand his or herself properly and know that before one does anything, one has to think properly. This is because in the past, lots of people were doing things with impunity without minding the law, that was why Nigerian politicians were able to loot the treasure of the country (Nigeria) just because they have someone who would get them out even as they break the law. Now our little analysis here is a general one because when the issue of Mrs. Patience Jonathan was first mentioned, she thought that she can manipulate everyone and get everything sorted out in her own way which led her to assume that as the former first lady, no one would do her anything but now the music is different. She is no longer making noise as she used to, she has been put on check and that is how it should be. This is a woman who has never contested for any political office in the country (Nigeria) but because the husband (Goodluck Jonathan) was once a deputy governor, ex-governor and then ex-president of the country (Nigeria), she became so rich, very powerful. She thought that no one would ever question her, all thanks to president Buhari and his government for creating this awareness and this would make everyone to think before involving in any matter or deal that may be questionable. In the past, people would dip their hands into the treasury of Nigeria and steal billions of money with impunity because no one would challenge them or talk about it. All these are in the past, hopefully no one would try it again if not the law would visit the person, therefore people who thought that the law enforcement agents raiding Mrs Patience Jonathan’s home in Abuja is wrong should better have a re-think because before ever going to that home, they might have gotten some good reasons that made them to carry out such operation. However it is unfortunate that the home of Mrs Patience Jonathan was raided by the law enforcement agents but then if your hands are clean, there would be no need for that. We (Viewers Corner News team) plead that you (Mrs Patience Jonathan) return what you may have taken from the federal government of Nigeria which does not belong to you and start living clean as a mother free from being harassed by the law. You were once a great woman, what went wrong Mrs Patience Jonathan?
Source: Viewers Corner News.