No one should judge anyone because we are not the creator of life but our father who is the Almighty God. No matter our religious differences, we are all children of one God and shall be answerable to him at the right time but in this world, it is very surprising and painful to see a fellow human being inflicting serious damage on another person in a way that may not be good all in the name of deliverance which is being practised in mount Zion general assembly as it is called in South Africa. In this situation, we do not need anyone to tell us that some pastors in the world today have gone astray and insane. We (Viewers Corner News Team) are referring to pastor Lethebo Rabalango who calls himself a man of God and at the same time doing the unthinkable. Our (Viewers Corner News) correspondent who visited South Africa recently revealed to us how pastor Lethebo Rabalango during the deliverance service as he called it allegedly spray insecticide directly on the faces and legs of his church members all in the name of deliverance, this is unacceptable and no one is talking about it. This is toxic and should not be sprayed on any human being. The sad aspect is that those he is spraying these insecticides on are there inhaling the toxic believing that the man of God is doing the right thing which is very wrong and why would a single individual keep on manipulating a whole congregation and nothing is done about it? Even in the Bible, there is nowhere it was written that insecticide should be used as a deliverance method therefore we are appealing to the South African government to investigate this matter and ask pastor Lethebo Rabalango (the founder of Mount Zion general assembly in South Africa) to stop spraying insecticide on human beings because it is not related to any Biblical teachings of God.
Source: Viewers Corner News.