The former first lady of Nigeria, Patience Jonathan was a permanent secretary in Bayelsa state and if we look at it very closely ,this position given to her in the past was never done on merit and she never performed any duty as a permanent secretary in that state. This means that she was just there collecting monthly salary without working for it based on the information Viewers Corner News team gathered from our source in Bayelsa (Nigeria), this is corruption, a very terrible one. This would show us that most people in Nigeria do not practise what they preach and never care about the welfare of the ordinary Nigerians which is wrong. Mama peace (Patience Jonathan) as she is called is an example of such description and some group of people in her state who can barely feed themselves are supporting her out of sentiment instead of saying the truth by reading the hand writing on the wall. Normally this position during the period she was believed to be working as permanent secretary in Bayelsa state should have been given to a more capable and qualified person not Patience Jonathan but because she was the strong woman in that state, everything goes, which is wrong. Anyway that is not our main point for now, our (Viewers Corner News team) concern is that this woman (Patience Jonathan) is becoming something else and should be tamed. All her activities have shown that she can not defend how she acquired her billions of Naira investments which scattered everywhere across the country (Nigeria) and her million dollars in the banks too. This means that she is among those individuals with lots of skeletons in their cupboards. Recently she demanded that a huge sum of money be paid to her because the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) violated her right as a person by frozen her bank account and her lawyers can not even advise her to be quiet for ones. Mama peace (Patience Jonathan), Viewers Corner News team is advising you to get a more capable team of lawyers that would handle your case properly and if you have such, then any advise they give you please take it, if not you may end up badly because as it is now, you have cases to answer as the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) is closing up on you. Please tread carefully if you want to avoid being sent to jail.
Source: Viewers Corner News.