Burkina Faso President

A 35-year-old Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso has proven to all elderly corrupt leaders in Africa that they have outstayed their usefulness in office and should leave for the youths to take over.

This is a wake-up call for voters in various countries in Africa to source decent youths and present them to vie for leadership positions. We are saying so based on the great works of Capt. Ibrahim Traore, who is the military leader of Burkina Faso. This young leader, since he came to power, has completely reformed Burkina Faso. He has created jobs for the people of his country, which is great. We also believe that all the countries on the continent of Africa have great and very intelligent individuals like Capt. Ibrahim Traore who should come out to seek positions of authority in their various countries; they should not leave the leadership positions of their countries in the hands of these elderly corrupt individuals who have outstayed their usefulness in office and have absolutely nothing to offer to the people. Though it may not be so easy to completely push them out of office, if the youths can come together and speak in one voice, then they can defeat those corrupt elderly leaders who are puppets of the West. Again, the time has come for the youths of Africa and those with good intentions to take control of their countries and have them rebuilt.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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