Nigeria has allegedly secured a loan from the World Bank to buy furniture and stationery. Another funny way to manage the economy of a country.

Even if these loans were initiated years ago by the past leadership of Nigeria, it would have been better when the present leadership of the country came on board and wanted the betterment of the people of Nigeria to put a stop to some of these unwanted loans. The reckless borrowing of this administration is certainly going to put Nigeria in a serious situation. The APC government should learn to cut costs; there are so many areas of the economy where money is needed and not to buy furniture and stationery. This is an economic waste. We are appealing to Nigerians to always elect competent leaders to run the affairs of Nigeria. Some of the irritating statements that Nigerians are hearing today would not have been there if capable hands were elected to run the affairs of Nigeria. So in subsequent elections, Nigerians should choose wisely. This is the only way the country can grow and move to the next level.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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