Most Nigerians are beginning to be disappointed in the calibre of women managing the Humanitarian Affairs Ministry of the country.

During ex-president Buhari’s administration, the humanitarian affairs minister was accused of stealing a certain amount of money, which runs into millions of naira, if not billions. Another humanitarian affairs minister under President Bola Tinubu’s government is being accused of syphoning a huge amount of money, which runs into millions, if not billions, of naira. According to a Viewers Corner News correspondent in Abuja, the humanitarian affairs minister, under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu, paid a certain amount of money into a private bank account, and she gave reasons why such a payment was made. But then, her defence did not go down well with the majority of Nigerians. They said that the humanitarian affairs ministry has its own bank account, meaning that whatever project which is going to be carried out must go through that channel as long as those who are supposed to give approvals sign it. But for the humanitarian affairs minister to direct such payments to be made to another private bank account without the owner of such a bank account having records of executing any project with the humanitarian affairs ministry is regarded as dubious. Nigerians believe that some level of dishonesty was involved and should stop. Hence, the majority of the people of Nigeria are calling out the humanitarian affairs minister so she can stop such dishonest behaviour.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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