
Corruption and reckless spending of Nigeria’s resources have become APC trade marks, just like Nigerians had when the Peoples Democratic Party was controlling the affairs of the country years back.

Any day the people of Nigeria will install a corrupt free leader into office, so many politicians will be thrown into jail. Nigeria is a great country but is being managed by a group of leaders believed to be educated when, in reality, they do not have what it takes to govern a country like Nigeria. They lack the ability to think and carry out research on issues of how Nigeria and her citizens will get the good things of life. Instead, the available resources of the country are being spent on irrelevant matters. Floods are destroying Nigeria on a yearly basis. There are so many Nigerians in IDP camps across the country as a result of terrorist attacks. Nigeria’s unemployment rate is on the high side, which the Viewers Corner News team expected the APC/President Buhari’s government to channel the resources of the country towards these areas. The educational system of Nigeria under the APC government is at a zero point, which is bad. Nigerians do not need to be told that the All Progressives Congress has failed the people of the country. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling on Nigerian voters to reject the All Progressives Congress completely in 2023 presidential election because the political party is bad news and can not bring the required change Nigerians need. This is the truth; take it or leave it.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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