
One of the beauties of democracy is the ability to choose any candidate of yours to represent you at all levels of government.

Looking at what is happening in Nigeria, where Nigerians are campaigning for the candidates of their choice, shows that democracy has come to stay in the country, which is nice. No matter how bad any candidate may be in your opinion, some individuals in the country will always support and vote for them, which is part of the beauty of democracy. The most important thing is that those candidates contesting for various political positions in Nigeria should play according to the guidelines of the electoral laws. They should be transparent in their presentations and should not create issues that will make Nigerians doubt them. Above all these, everyone has the right to choose and support whoever he or she wants as a leader. The Viewers Corner News team pleads with Nigerians to respect other people’s choices of candidate. No matter how bad you think they may be, it is still the choice of some people, and they have their own reason for supporting such a candidate. What matters is that, in the end, the majority carries the vote. If majority of Nigerians decide to elect an incompetent person to lead Nigeria, then so be it. Again, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to Nigerian voters to choose wisely in 2023.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
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