APC/President Buhari's government

One good lesson learned from the APC/President Buhari’s led government is that Nigerians have become wiser and they now know the tricks and lies of Nigerian politicians.

President Buhari tried several times in the past to lead Nigeria, but each time he tried, the people of Nigeria kept rejecting him until the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria started to mismanage the economy of the country. Most members of the PDP started looting the treasury of Nigeria. At that point, the majority of Nigerians took a decision which brought the APC/President Buhari’s led government to power. Even at a point, President Buhari wept and vowed not to vie for any political office anymore. This short story is known to most Nigerians. Now our point is this: if the APC/President Buhari’s led government goes back to the drawing board, they will understand the reason the majority of Nigerians trusted and voted for them to lead the country in 2015. But the promises they made to the people of Nigeria were thrown into the trash box. The worst part is that no one criticizes them, even when they are wrong. Instead, they use the DSS to harass those Nigerians who are pointing out their mistakes. Before President Buhari and his political party came to power, they criticized the PDP/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan-led government, calling them all sorts of derogatory names. But today, the APC/President Buhari’s government is worse than that of the PDP/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s past government. Under the leadership of President Buhari, the Kaduna international airport was attacked. What could be worse than that? Under President Buhari’s government, terrorists bombed a train, which cost trillions of naira to build, and many lives were lost. On a daily basis, Nigerians are being killed like animals, and the president of the country is a retired army general. Out of selfishness and lack of foresight, the APC/President Buhari’s led government spent trillions of naira to construct rails in most parts of northern Nigeria where terrorists have taken as their base. It will cost Nigeria billions of Naira to rebuild those damaged rails, which brings us to say that no responsible government anywhere in the world would invest in any troubled area like the APC/President Buhari-led government is doing in the northern part of Nigeria. Normally, before putting any investment in some northern part of the country, the government of Nigeria should make sure that it is very safe to do so or have adequate protection for the business, but the APC/President Buhari-led government is running a government that favours a particular section of the country, which has brought Nigeria to a standstill. Look at the Islamic cleric who told the truth to the APC/President Buhari’s led government over the issue of insecurity in Nigeria. After the man’s honest statement, he was sacked. How can a government that claims to be democratic be acting in such a terrible manner? Honestly, there are so many bad things that the APC/President Buhari’s led government has done to Nigerians that cannot be forgotten so easily and may affect the political party in the 2023 elections unless the APC presents a better candidate. If not, power may shift to another political party, which is the truth. Again, Nigerians, be wise and vote for a credible individual who will get the country working better. A situation where hunger, poverty, and insecurity will become history in Nigeria starting in 2023.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
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