No doubt about it, president Buhari and his government are working very hard to make Nigeria great again which is very nice and his recent slogan is also a good one ”CHANGE BEFORE YOU ASK FOR THE CHANGE WE PROMISED YOU”. Honestly the problem in Nigeria is not with the ordinary Nigerians but with the leaders both the past and the present ones sitting in the helm of affairs in the country (Nigeria). Those who were voted for, to represent the people are the real problems of Nigeria because when a child is born into a family, he or she needs the directives of his parents to grow up nicely and if the parents do not teach their children morals then they will derail. This is the problems in Nigeria today, therefore majority of the leaders in the country (Nigeria) both past and present are the ones this slogan should be directed to before passing it on to the Nigerian public. If majority of the Nigerian leaders can change their attitude towards the people they are leading by showing good examples then everything would be fine.
Now look at the recent budget padding (Dogara and Jibrin), look at ex-president Goodluck Jonathan who said that stealing is not corruption, look at Diezani Alison Madueke who allegedly stole trillions of Nigerian hard earned money, look at all the members of Nigeria National Assembly (the House of Senate and Representatives), look at Olisa Metuh and so many of them who were involved in different scandals, these are leaders the Nigerian people look upon to direct the affairs of the country but are individuals with questionable characters. They should embrace this slogan first before the ordinary people of Nigeria can follow the way.
Again these leaders in Nigeria have been engaged in an act of indiscipline for so long and never cared about the welfare of the ordinary Nigerians, they are the ones that should change their ways first because they are the ones with questionable characters and at the same time controlling the wealth of the country (Nigeria). Instead of using it to create better future for the people of Nigeria, they decided not to and cornered the money for their own personal gains, their corrupt habits and lack of respect for the people of the country (Nigeria) have created lots of problems among the Nigerian public. If these leaders had worked well when they had the opportunity to do so, by now things would have been better. When someone is hungry, what do you expect from him or her? Look at unemployment rate in the country (Nigeria), it has gone out of proportion, the government has no clue on how to tackle the problem and get it solved. All these were created by the past leaders, they never planned well when they had the opportunity of doing so therefore Viewers Corner News and the advisory team is appealing to president Buhari and his government to direct the slogan more to both the past and the present leaders because they are the problems of Nigeria and not the ordinary people who are struggling to feed their families. Even majority of Nigerians go to sleep on an empty stomach which should not have been so, these are the trademarks of the past leaders for not planning properly to reach the poor ones in the country (Nigeria). However we shall continue to pray to God Almighty hoping that someday the problems facing Nigeria as a great nation would be eradicated and the citizens of the country (Nigeria) would have their good lives back on track again.
Source: Viewers Corner News.