All past leaders of Nigeria who participated in the decision-making and implementation of economic policies after the civil war contributed to the problems Nigeria as a country is facing today. These problems did not begin with President Buhari, NO. In our opinion, the reason the majority of Nigerians are criticizing President Buhari and his government is that they expected him to fix the damaged economy of Nigeria which the past leaders created, taking into consideration President Buhari’s record as a no-nonsense leader, but all the expectations which Nigerians believed they would get from president Buhari and his political party (APC) have been lost. If those who led Nigeria in the past had set up a good standard when they were in power, Nigeria as a country would not have been the way it is today. What Nigeria and its citizens are passing through today is a result of past leaders not laying a good foundation for whoever would take over the mantle of leadership. This is the real problem in Nigeria. To end these problems and start on a good footing, the people of Nigeria would have to completely reject those past leaders who created these problems and bring into the system a new breed of economic reformers to put things right. Those who led Nigeria in the past who are still fighting with the money they stole from the treasury of Nigeria to stage a come back should not be accepted no matter how they sweet-talk voters in Nigeria. These groups of ex-leaders at various levels have run short of ideas and can never be useful in modern-day economic management. No one in the world today without upgrading their knowledge can use the 1970 or 1980 economic management to solve issues of 2021 economic policies which those elderly Nigerians wanting to come back and lead the country are used to. They refused to upgrade their knowledge so that they could fit into the new era of economic management. Nigeria has great individuals both at home and abroad with sound knowledge of how government policies work. These groups of modern thinkers and developers should be brought forward to put things right in Nigeria if the people of the country want Nigeria to grow and move to the next level. The Viewers Corner News team can identify many of them, they are all over the country, including abroad. These are young individuals doing nicely in their respective fields who should be in charge of running the affairs of the country.
Source: Viewers Corner News.