If someone from the Northern part of the country (Nigeria) makes a statement, those in the Western or Eastern part of Nigeria would read different meanings to it, probably negatively. The same goes to the other tribes in the country (Nigeria). If someone from the Southeast, Southwest or any other tribe in the country (Nigeria) is jailed for corruption or any other offence, different meanings would be attached to it because of sentiment. The judiciary in Nigeria which is supposed to be neutral in handling cases has lost its value in delivering judgement in an honest manner without favouring any group in the country (Nigeria). Somehow, it is not the fault of the people of Nigeria because the evidence of such unfair judgement is everywhere in the country (Nigeria). Based on what is happening in Nigeria at the moment, the only solution to these problems would be to restructure the country (Nigeria) so that each group in Nigeria would know exactly where they belong. Look at oil blocs, those who have oil in their states do not have such facilities given to them but those who do not have oil are the ones dictating and controlling the oil blocs. All these and others based on our (Viewers Corner News team) findings are part of the reasons most Nigerians are angry because things are not shared equally in the country (Nigeria). This system started long time ago in Nigeria which is bad. Look at employment to various positions in the country (Nigeria) for example, those politicians and their close associates including their children are the ones being employed, whether they are qualified to work there or not. Those with sound qualifications are not given the opportunity to prove themselves and until this system is changed, Nigeria may not grow and move to the next level. Change of attitude in a positive manner is the solution to nation’s building. Put those who are qualified in positions of authority in Nigeria to manage the system irrespective of their tribes and with that, great result would be achieved in the country (Nigeria).
Source: Viewers Corner News.