There is nothing wrong if a region set up a security outfit to protect the citizens living and working in that region. All that is required would be for the state government within the area of operation of such security outfit to have the backing of the state’s law, doing so would assist the federal government security agencies in the country (Nigeria) who are in short supply to keep peace and order in those affected areas of the states. Again, protecting lives and properties of all Nigerians should be the responsibilities of both the federal government and state governments. If any region in the country decides to form its own security network to protect the region, the federal government of Nigeria should not stop them as long as such system is backed by a state law. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to call on the federal government of Nigeria to go back to the drawing board to reassess the issues of security in Nigeria because boko haram which most Nigerian thought was defeated are now coming back to start killing Nigerians. In our (Viewers Corner News team) opinion, there may be some influential men in Nigeria who may be benefiting from boko haram and would not want them completely out of Nigeria, hence we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to the federal government of Nigeria to do their home work properly in order to fish out those bad individuals sponsoring boko haram and have them punished severely. Again, fish out those sponsoring boko haram in Nigeria, cut off boko haram’s source of supply of ammunition, put Nigeria secret police to work intensively and give them time to produce those sponsoring boko haram in the country (Nigeria). These are what Viewers Corner News team expect the federal government of Nigeria to do. Politics should not be played on issues of security, both the federal and state governments should safe guide the lives and properties of all the citizens of the country (Nigeria). A country without adequate security can not move forward.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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