Desperation is Mr Atiku Abubakar’s second name which led him back to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria, a political party he once called terrible names which almost destroyed Nigeria before president Buhari came to office and trying his best to get things done the right way. Mr Atiku Abubakar was part of the PDP movement before he left the party in the past and later came back to the party (PDP), promising Nigerians heaven and earth if he becomes the president of the country (Nigeria) come 2019 which we (Viewers Corner News team) know he can never carry out because that is not his main target.
He (Mr Atiku Abubakar) is only coming to get his loses back and at the same time re-instate the bad guys to power, believe it or not that is the truth. Another important fact is that President Buhari is an honest man who would not want to manipulate the election come 2019. He (President Buhari) allegedly said that if Nigerians do not want to re-elect him to office, it is fine but certainly not the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria, taken into account the damages they did in the country (Nigeria) which is true.
We (Viewers Corner News team) always believe that President Buhari shall be re-elected to office come 2019. Now look at the 16 years PDP led Nigeria, instead of using the available resources of the country (Nigeria) to create infrastructures, they went into looting which almost left the country dry and now a man who participated in that process (Mr Atiku Abubakar) is coming back asking Nigerians to make him the president of the country (Nigeria). Honestly only individuals without focus and vision would vote for Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria which is the truth. Look at president Buhari’s three and half years in power and see the progress made so far. It can never be compared to what PDP did in 16 years, however we (Viewers Corner News team) shall continue to educate voters in Nigeria to look beyond where any candidate is coming from and cast their votes based on sincerity, hard-work and integrity.
If you vote the wrong candidate to office, hardship would not leave the country (Nigeria), the choice is all yours which we (Viewers Corner News team) hope mistakes shall not be made.
Vote wisely to avoid “IF I HAD KNOWN”. A one day mistake made during voting may take years to repair if at all it would be possible. Please Nigerians have a second thought before casting your votes for any candidate.
Source: Viewers Corner News.