Some recruitment companies across Africa most especially in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya are recruiting young desperate Africans, promising them better opportunities to work in Arab countries and at the end those Africans sent to work in those Arab countries are subjected to tortures of all sorts which is bad. Another horrible aspect is that these recruitment companies when contacted denied having any record of those sent to those Arab countries making it difficult to prosecute them in a court of law. However we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to all Africans to be mindful of where they travel to most especially the Arab countries because if you go there in search of job, your chances of coming back alive may not be there. Again before you embark on any journey abroad, seek advice from those who know better if not you would end up being killed.
We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to plead with various African leaders to care more for their citizens because hardship is one of the reasons those youths from various countries within the continent of Africa are travelling to where they are being killed which is bad.
African leaders, please create more opportunities for your citizens and as your children are in the best schools abroad studying, let those within the continent of Africa be comfortable too because without them you all can never be leaders.
Please carry everyone along and do not eat alone.
Source: Viewers Corner News.