This is laughable and should not have been a topic at all. This is part of that arrogance and impunity we (Viewers Corner News team) are speaking against.
As an individual entering or going out of the country, at any check point, it is necessary that you will be screened by authorised security officials at the security posts. Even in advance countries such system is applicable too, therefore Mr Atiku Abubakar who is the presidential candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria should not be an exception. He should undergo such process which is allowed by law of the country (Nigeria). Again, all his trips to Dubai and other parts of the world which he has visited so far, has he not been screened or does he just park his jet-plane and go into those countries like that without any form of searching because we (Viewers Corner News team) believe that those countries of the world he has been visiting know him very well but still they subject him to such controls which he never complained about. If the law to search or control whoever that comes to any check point or boarder across Nigeria is in place and working, then there is no way Mr Atiku Abubakar should not be screened. It is the law which the security officials are trying to implement. Individuals in Mr Atiku Abubakar’s category have also passed through similar process at all times. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) shall continue to plead with Nigerians to have a second thought on who to cast their votes for because the choice you make come 2019 would determine how great Nigeria as a country is going to be. Vote wisely, vote innovation and for those with ideas who know how government policies work which shall in the long run create infrastructures that would bring benefits to all Nigerians.
Source: Viewers Corner News.