Organisations in Nigeria who are agitating for increment of salary should first press the federal government of Nigeria and the state governments to make consumable items in the country (Nigeria) surplus because what the country has at the moment is not enough to go round. Establish a price control board that is very effective in the country (Nigeria). Having worked on these key areas, then increment of salary for workers across Nigeria can then take place. It is better to receive less salary and be comfortable with it than receive millions and could not buy anything tangible with it.
Now hear this; Our (Viewers Corner News team) recent survey has shown that most traders in Nigeria are waiting for the announcement that salaries of workers have been increased so that they can increase the prices of their goods too. Such policy would always be harmful to the society anytime a decision is reached concerning that aspect except other areas of importance are properly controlled before any increment is made. Economic policy does not work like that. Again for Nigeria to get out of this economic difficulties they are at the moment, the government should assemble more competent economic team to handle this issue and also give tutorial to Labour Union in the country (Nigeria) on how economic policy works because we (Viewers Corner News team) believe that they do not know, hence they keep on asking for increment of salary for workers without looking into other areas. Now what would it benefit Nigerian workers to receive more money and could not use it to buy something tangible in the market.
It is better to receive less and get enough to buy and it has always been the policy of economic planners which is great. We (Viewers Corner News team) shall write more on this topic in our future article.
Source: Viewers Corner News.