Our (Viewers Corner News team) record has shown that majority of countries in the continent of Africa have borrowed huge sum of money from the government of China. Somehow there is nothing too bad to borrow and solve pressing needs but what is not too good is to borrow when it is not necessary to do so. Secondly, if the decision to borrow by African leaders from China has finally been concluded, then what about the terms of agreement which we (Viewers Corner News team) are pleading that leaders in the continent of Africa should consider properly.
If the terms of agreement is not favourable, it means that the future generation of Africans would be in serious danger, therefore care should be taking in this regard. Please do not be in a hurry to borrow and execute projects which may not be of benefit to your country.
We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to plead with the leaders of Ghana and Kenya to look into the activities of some Chinese companies in their various countries. Our (Viewers Corner News team) findings revealed that in Ghana and Kenya, some Chinese owned companies are dehumanising their workers in a terrible manner. They even call them all sorts of terrible names as if they are nothing and in China, it is still the same bad treatment. In some cities across China based on the information we (Viewers Corner News team) gathered, people from Africa are not allowed to go there which is bad but in the continent of Africa, Chinese people are treated like kings. This attitude of dehumanising your fellow human beings is unacceptable and we (Viewers Corner News team) condemn it in a strongest term.
We (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to African leaders and her citizens to stop making themselves too cheap before the Chinese authorities and other countries of the world. Normally the continent of Africa does not need to borrow money from China to better their economy but because of lack of foresight/management and corruption which have eaten so deep across the continent of Africa are among the reasons the continent is backward.
Please African leaders, retrace your footsteps and get things done the right way for your citizens across the continent.
Source: Viewers Corner News.